Black Girl In The City.

expect a solution & let it rock.
October 14, 2008, 6:42 am
Filed under: Inspiration, Writer's Log | Tags: , , ,

Megan G. (this if for EB!) | Sexalicious

Ok so I’ve been on this whole, positive is as positive does and so on kinda gig, just making an effort to pay attention to the positive. Glass always full kinda thing. Honestly, I really feel corny being so chipper and happy but I had to ask myself why that was so. Why it felt so AB-normal to be happy for no other reason than for the sake of being happy. Odd but real.

Thinking on The Flip Side.

“Today’s going to be an awesome day isn’t?” M, ingenious little one #2 was trotting behind me to the car with two fluffy pig tails, a pint-sized violin and a smile on her face.

“Yep,” she smiled, “Today we select the designs for the student council T-shirts.”

“Right. You’re Vice President now. I’m so proud of you,” I said unlocking the car door.

Despite the fact that I had a million and one things to think about, I chose to think about the best and declare that my day offer something good back. Instead of snarling at the fact that I’d be stuck carting my mom to work for the next two weeks – listening to her bwah bwah about much of nothing, I drove thankful. Thankful that I have a mother alive and well that cares for me even through the fog of her own struggles. Instead of shrugging off the notion, I embraced my young black girl’s ambition to step up and be a leader by teaching her how to win her school election. There’s a flip side to everything and I’m beginning to think that I may need to spend time over there more often.

Expect a Solution.

“It’s gonna be a nice day today,” I said. The car was silent while we rode.

“Oh really, its not going to rain then?” Mom assumed I was referring to the weather.

“There’s a chance but there’s a chance it won’t,” I smiled, “I was talking about the day in general mom. It’ll be nice, you’ll see, I said.”

Sure I sounded like some kind of prophetic wannabe but my point was, why the heck not? What does it hurt to speak aloud how you want the next few hours, moments, even seconds of your life to be? I figured I’ve sounded like an ass saying worse and besides, I haven’t played this practice with focus and was curious as to what would happen if I actually expected something good consistently.


I got into the office a little before nine to find one of the housekeeping ladies rummaging around for her earring in the hall near my workspace. Her face said horror, like this earring was her left lung and if she didn’t find it…

“Are you okay?” I asked. Dodged around her cart that held some typical housekeeping essentials that I’ve always secretly dreamed of stealing.

“No. I lost an earring. I have to find it, my daughter gave it to me.” She was breathing a heavy pant and I felt really bad for her.

“Well,” I glanced around my feet along with her, “I don’t see it here but listen, it’ll be alright. There’s a solution to everything. Expect the solution. I’m gonna go put my stuff down and help you trace your steps.”

The woman nodded and I ran off. As bad as I wanted to stay and sit on my bottom to devour egg whites I felt like helping her was something I should do. So I go to my desk and toss my things and when I walked back out, I look down outside of my work area to see the woman’s earring.

The look of relief on her face when she saw I’d found it was priceless. I could tell it meant a lot. She thanked me and said, “You are right. There’s a solution for everything and we should expect it. God bless you.”

Talk about a way to start your day…

The Rubik’s Cube. My great friend and helper when critical thinking is necessary. I call him my brain buffer. He sits on my desk or on top of the TV – always within eye’s shot to be called upon whenever heavy thinking rings. Most visitors can’t resist the urge to pick up the cube at some point during a conversation. And just like me, none have been able to solve the puzzle. Or so it seemed.

Aside from my good deed of the morning my day had been a typical busy one, offering little room to breathe. Came up for air when my phone rang. Mom dukes. “Hey, it didn’t rain today. You were right. The day has been nice and I got two new accounts today,” she said kick-starting an afternoon ramble. She goes on to say how she’s learned a lot from me in learning to think positive etc. etc. while I’m thinking to myself, shoot, my brain is just as phuked up as the rest of the world’s, I just learned how to control and tame the beast and even then I still lose it lol.

“Thanks,” I said reaching for the Rubik’s Cube on the desk. Didn’t even look down at it.

“So, what are you going to do about your writing? Did you decide on a solid direction?” There she goes.

Suddenly my eyes began to hurt and I wanted to hang up the phone. In fact I hadn’t made a decision on what to devote my attention to for the next sixth months. Everything is still so new. Not having time to focus on finishing up my novels AND work the journalism world is a reality I have to face and in turn I gotta make a decision. Pick, stick and commit to one or the other until writing can become my full-time dominion.

“Well,” I sighed, “I’ve been thinking about it still but I gotta decide soon because my writing commitments are filling up. But there’s a solution to everything though. I expect one.”

Just as I said this I looked down at the cube in my fingers and low & behold, the puzzle had been solved! My mouth dropped in awe as I examined all six sides grouped by color. Perfectly semetric, symbolizing an end to my thinking trap. Now, I could have gotten really pissed off that someone had secretly come on my turf and conquered the very obsticle course I’d yet to write my name on but I didn’t. I didn’t because whomever it was may not have known it but they’d given me a gift by solving my personal puzzle.

“Mah you won’t believe this,” I laughed.


“Someone solved the Rubik’s cube on my desk.”

“Ha! Are you Serious? Who?” she said

“Don’t know. It was just sitting here. Solved,” I shurgged still in a puzzle myself.

“Maybe one of your angels did it.”

“Maybe so. Whomever it was just helped a sister out though,” I smiled.

“A solution?”

“Yep. Journalism it is.”

(Time to let it rock.)

-black girl.

8 Comments so far
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Sooooo inspirational!! “Write”on black girl!

Comment by im_just_a_fan!

Keep up the good work black girl!!

Comment by Kisa tha Diva

love the post! today is going to be a good day. 🙂

Comment by T

Perfect timing. My day was spiraling, but you know what I’m about to flip that.

My day is gonna end great!!!

I still have a job to report to, I found a website I can log onto and get lost in for a few moments and I have a bottle of wine waiting on me when I get off.

Yup, today is gonna end on a note higher than Mariah’s!!

Comment by Simplicity

Follow up…..

My day ended great as I claimed it would. Hmm, and today is just as good. That’s what’s up!!!


Comment by Simplicity

Umm chyeah WTH?! I hate when people value their dogs over children. Regardless if its your child or not NO DOG should be acting like that. If that dog bit my Precious Vagina It would in my meal the next day. I guess she’s not using her’s ….

Or maybe she has the one with a lot of lips so she has some to spare IDK

Comment by Nana


i especially feel ya on the whole “why the heck not” mentality. it’s like…who/what’s stopping you?

(when i had a cell phone that had games you could play for free, tetris was what i went to when critical thinking was necessary)

Comment by fly tie



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