Black Girl In The City.

August 28, 2009, 2:15 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Hi everyone, thanks so much for your emails and check ins. Sorry I’ve fallen off here a bit and yes, I’m still alive, lol. My heart is heavy though..on the mend. Lost a close friend tragically and I’m not quite sure how else to deal but to keep riding it out. Kinda going through it but the purpose is evident, which you will soon see. Hang with me folks, probably need you now more than ever. Thanks. 🙂

-black girl.

WTF? My Man Plays Dress Up.
August 6, 2009, 6:57 am
Filed under: WTF? | Tags: ,

One of my biggest fears is that I’ll date a guy for six months and adore him to pieces…only to find a video of him posing (just like this guy)  lingering in his hidden collection.

Just weird. But why can’t I stop laughing?

-black girl.