Black Girl In The City.


Kevin Millet

Music: Rising Up // The Roots

Happy New Year to ya! Hopefully your evening and day were spent exactly as you saw fit. As for myself, I partied with some friends at the Ritz and brought in the year surrounded by all of the very people that I will continue to remain connected to in the new decade. Aside from the partying, I also launched a new business and spent most of my new year’s day tarrying over things to do, people to get on the phone with and ish like that. But in the midst of my busy state I thought about you and this blog and wanted to share some words for your 2010.

You know I’m a list girl, lol. And in the midst of my planning and to do’s I began thinking about all of the lessons I’d learned this year. There are so many, but for the sake of brevity I’ll give you my absolute top five. Hopefully you can take something away for yourself as well.

…in no particular order

1. Master the art of doing more with less. I lost a lot this year, only to gain more and greater in the end. This lesson was necessary for me because during those times of loss and shortage I found myself devising new and creative ways to do more with the what I had. And ironically I came up with ways to obtain and build more with what I had, which is crazy to me, lol. Learning to live and enjoy life on the bare minimal is a character builder. A skill builder too, but when you mentally master of the art of doing more with less, you’ll have the skill and know how to manage and keep the excess that is destined to come your way. It’s all apart of the process.

2. Understand the value in every relationship. I’ve always been guilty of hanging on to people or connecting with folks that may not necessarily have my well being as a priority in their minds. This year I really learned to understand the value in every relationship and connection in my life. Value would be defined as anything “good” that happens as a result of the connection, even if you are not the direct recipient. When I began to look at the people around me in this light, I shed a lot of dead weight and ended my 2009 with a close group of valuable relationships that I will continue to build and grow in the years ahead. Contrarily speaking, if you cannot see the value in the connection whatsoever, let. it. go.

3. When in doubt, build, build, and build some more. I can’t tell you how many times I second-guessed and questioned my path throughout the year. I was on something new and treading unfamiliar territory, so I was unsure of what to except along the way. And I admit I was a little scramble headed trying to figure I all out! Lol. But the one thing that I continued to do was build even when I didn’t know much else at the time. I’m not saying build something on shaky ground, I’m saying that when you are in doubt, build on what you know because chances are you know it for a reason! Build and don’t stop, the rest will take shape. I am a living witness to that.

4. Don’t think big, think broad. I’d like to think of big as anything larger than what it is compared to. Usually taller, maybe wider, right? We really can’t pinpoint it we just know its bigger than something else. But, just because something is big doesn’t mean that we can see it in its entirety. What we’re thinking about may be too far over our heads to wholly understand, or there may be something on the other side of that big that we may not necessarily want to fool with. But when I think of something broad, I think of it as being long range, wide, but at eye level so that you can see a lot more with the basic turn of your head. Can’t see that far in the distance? Get some glasses, some knowledge. It just seems smarter to think broad in order to be big. Thinking big is a little less specific, but thinking broad gives us a long-range front, rear and side-to-side view of our lives. It also takes a lot more skill and strategy than thinking big, which is easy. I’ll definitely be focusing on the broader picture in 2010.

5. Love. I know its something so simple but I learned a lot about love this year. Not the boo’d up R-Kelly kinda love, but the love that you share with your family and friends and carries a ,”No matter what, now matter how” disclaimer. As in no matter what happens, no matter what you do, that real kind of love will be there when you need it most. If you don’t have access to that kind of love and you are not able to offer it yourself, work on that ASAP. Get past your issues, amend the mistakes and have your sorries because in the end its that real kind of the love that will get you through the most challenging times

-black girl.

A Good Thing.
December 20, 2009, 1:43 pm
Filed under: Chapter Next, Reflections of a Black Girl

Adrian Riemann

Music: Going On // Gnarles Barkley

I needed some time to think and get my shit together. To really decide what I am doing and how it compliments the bigger picture. Even now I’m sitting here at the computer wondering whether or not to push things harder than I have, or to stay on the same course and speed throughout the next year. I’m afraid the latter isn’t in my blood. Something that became painfully evident this year when I made the ultimate decision to go back to school to learn the mechanics behind my craft. I don’t think I’ve ever worked this hard toward something to be honest with you. For the majority of my life ish came easy. I always seemed to get by and attain what I wanted without much effort, like I had a personal Angel making moves on my behalf or something. So you could imagine the tantrums and fits I threw this year for pushing myself to levels I hadn’t danced on before. One of my homies said it best though. “This is a good thing because you’re building resilience, strength, discipline…you think things are hard but they are not. You good.” I concurred without mentioning that I’d been witnessing the cloud of fear dissipating before my eyes for months now. Proof that what he was saying was indeed correct.

As the cloud continued to dwindle to nothing I began to see and better understand the ultimate design and purpose for my life. And the more I see, the harder I rock. I said that 2008 was a year of change and it became so, and I said that 2009 would be our year to build, work and prepare. Those of you that ride strong with me are in some form or fashion building up yourselves. Which means that 2010 will usher in a year of heightened execution for you and I. All that we’ve practiced and perhaps even learned the hard way will come into play. Everything that we’ve worked on and prepared ourselves for will be put on the playing field and against the opposing side. Will you score? Yes, because we have spent time building as we should. I personally did a lot of cleaning out, cleaning up and moving on to make room for an even more victorious year that’s almost here…and that’s definitely a good thing.

-black girl.

Break Me Down, Build Me Up.
November 27, 2009, 4:04 pm
Filed under: Reflections of a Black Girl

//Rise & Shine// Cee-Lo & Seed

The past few days have been pretty good. I was sick all last week, germs are on the bounty like crazy. To the extent that I was out-for-the-count sick. The kinda sick where you can’t do anything but lay there and listen to God whispering in your ear, quietly reminding you of your responsibility to man kind and those whom he has entrusted to be present in your life. All while zoned out in a medicine induced coma. What really sucked is that I had premium seats for the Hawks/Miami Game at Phillips that totally went to waste. I did shed a tear for real! The reality that landed me there hit hard and I took heed to the warning: working, stressing, not balancing the scales as much as I should be. We’re all guilty of that at some point in life, I suppose. Nevertheless, my center was waaaay off and sister-girl was in need of an intervention!

I go through this at least once a year, you know – the hole break me down and build me back up stronger thing. But this time around it was a little different, as each of these instances are since there is a different lesson to learn each time. I was so busy focusing on the instruction that I had been neglecting to stop and check in with the Head instructor. Let’s discontinue if you think I’m going in that direction. The one where I flip to some seriously religious plane while thumping a Bible thicker than my head. Nah, not the point and that’s not really my style. I just think that as individual partakers in humanity we all have a spiritual element present and alive in our lives. Good, evil, dormant, active…whatever. Things only become real when you acknowledge them and harness their power to work for and through you.

When I got back to work and back in the game, the first thing I told my boss was, “lesson learned.” “There’s really nothing you could of done about it,” she said. Then goes on to explain how people are just running around ramped and coughing everywhere. I laughed at the story, she had a point and I took it as it was. In the end I’m not certain she understood what I meant by “lesson learned”, though. Sure we could all use a little more sanitizer and coughing into the arm vs. sprinkling infected droplets into the atmosphere, but my real lesson said that the lessor we commune with the spiritual, the more we dance down the opposite end of the spectrum. May not even necessarily be toward the intent of evil but, more so just a steady drift farther away from the 360 degree person we all want to be. And then you get physically sick.

All of that to say that I’ve been spending a lot of time on myself since then, centering and setting the plan back in motion. A lot of good things are happening, I’m just keeping myself on a steady and wise pace. In the meantime I guess I’ve just got to remember that in the midst of all of this stuff in my now, strategy and balance trump lightening rocket speed.

-black girl.

…bye bye summer.
September 14, 2009, 3:25 am
Filed under: Chapter Next, Reflections of a Black Girl

DSC00135My very last serene view of yet another summer.

Music: August Day Song // Bebel Gilberto

I always laugh with my friends about the irony of life. In how it so easy to live as if things will never change, and that everything you see, do and hear will be the same as you see, hear and do even a week from now. We all assume it to be dangerously so, and in turn we subject ourselves to the harsh blows that life is notorious for throwing. To no fault of our own because it’s just how some folks live. But if only more of us could learn the importance of living for each individual day, loving and taking care of everything in it with sincerity and intent…with purpose in the moment, I think one’s quality of life would be that much more enjoyable without any external changes needed. Going through the motions and expecting that the future will be exactly as we planned is a risky habit that I admit to having succumb to at times. But in all of it I’ve learned an important fact: we all deserve to live and live well. And that includes cherishing the present day.

Waving goodbye to the end of summer while wading in the warm waters of the Mexican Gulf gave me exactly what I needed. An opportunity to come clean with myself, all the shit that had happened over the past few months, and to really wrap my mind around some important points. Revise my values. Reorganize my principals, priorities and beliefs. To wash away the bad and keep the good. I can’t say I did much writing while there, but the time was well spent doing all that I needed to do to usher out the summer and get on with a day that’s new. Besides, I had to get myself back to this here city to get on with my get on. Now more then ever there’s mad work to do

Live vivaciously.

-black girl.

The “F” Word (or lack thereof): Conclusion.
January 9, 2009, 2:05 pm
Filed under: Reflections of a Black Girl


Raphael Vicenz

A chunk of time had passed before I’d finally seized back my britches and come to my senses. A conversation with a close friend reminded me of how I tend to make things more serious than they truly are, and it’s not a secret to the world that I live with much heart. So when it comes to challenges and people (especially those in my immediate circle) I have a hard time not treating everything with care and concern. We all know that in itself can become life’s burden. My home girl really checked me and brought me back to soil…“Like for real – fix the problem because this is an essential element you’ll need, and stop believing you’re in control of what happens in your life.”

So in my effort to let life be I had since left my water-filled prison, dressed and had begun the process of cleaning and re-arranging things around my room. I still hadn’t unpacked from my mini trip with *Chris the weekend before so tidying my space was definitely a must on the ‘to-do’. And as I sorted garments and put shoes away remembering the thoughts of my friend, the answer to that prayer I’d put in the air hours before descended upon my thoughts and blurted one word:


That was my issue and somewhere along the way I’d gotten so caught up in the world that I’d forgotten the importance of that lifeline and component. My belief in certain things had gradually chipped away, slowly willowing into a lump of nothingness that ultimately served no purpose. I’d in a sense allowed my freedom to be taken away by losing my Faith in what mattered THE MOST. I really had to check myself and understand that people panic because they do not believe. They don’t believe in themselves enough to trust that the unseen is far more powerful than what is seen. They don’t believe that heart-break could spell blessing, that circumstance can create opportunity, or that hardships build character. I’d essentially forgotten that adversity and challenge sharpen the mind, and without either I wouldn’t be where I am at this given moment. It’s easy to forget when you’re in the mix on your own and dealing with layers of life around you.  Somewhere I’d gotten stuck in some kind of whacked out battleship that hovers fields of internalization and isolation.

I plucked my arm and vowed to begin the process of rebuilding my faith. Faith in my family, people, myself and most importantly the ONE that trumps them all. The bug out session may not be my last, but it’s definitely the last of its kind. Especially since I’ve been reminded that there is Freedom in my Faith.

-black girl.

The “F” Word (or lack thereof): Part one.
January 6, 2009, 2:31 pm
Filed under: Reflections of a Black Girl | Tags:

RengimRengim Mutevellioglu

Faith (noun): confidence or trust in a person or thing: faith in another’s ability. Belief that is not based on proof…(oh yee of little, little black girl).

I cowered deep into the water so that only my head was left un-submerged. The panic was coming strong and all I could do was hold on for the guns. As I lay there in the tub, silently whispering, “Why me?” I thumbed through my mental Rolodex thinking of the best friend to call and talk me through it all. But my fingers were paralyzed by the moment and my ears where halfway tuned to the XM radio that crooned vintage rock songs I part-heartedly listened to. Took deep breaths, shifted me eyes to the bathroom window, a cloudy world outside… then back to my toes planted underneath the dripping faucet of the bathtub.

I thought taking a bath would alleviate some of the anxiousness I felt slowly taking over, but seemed as though the silence and warm water made matters worse. I wasn’t sure of the culprit…perhaps being cooped up in house, ill for ages had snatched my laughs and girlish giggles. Though feeling a little better, on the mend physically, my state of mind and like state of panic were the perfect breeding couple – birthing everything that came next. “What’s wrong with me?” I thought trying to fight off the worry that threatened to ruin an otherwise ok day for no effing reason. Have you ever felt that way?

I’d awaken on a positive note, cooked breakfast, and even ate it with a smile on my face, lol so you could imagine my gripes and murmurs of, “WTF is happening and why I am freaking out about everything I can’t control?” Where this internal sense of anguish comes from is a mystery to me, and for a while I thought I was crazy. As the quips were coming stronger and more frequent…to the point where I knew when I was about to get lost in the turmoil of my thoughts, I did my best to clear the mental space and free it from the clutter since I could never simply run and hide before the thunderstorm began. Why would it be that simple?

I was thinking about anything and everything that I had to do but didn’t want to do, yet no real threat danced on the horizon. Shortly thereafter came the adrenalin rushed with thoughts of flight or fight. But fight who? Flee from what? My legs said run but I wasn’t in danger.

This had been my third, so it wasn’t new and I kinda figured it would happen the more I told my silly self NO. No relying on outside sources to deter me from what I should’ve faced long ago. No friends, no alcohol or smoke. Instead I faced my thoughts and chinned up to my feelings like a big girl. And in place of my finger tips gripping for the phone to call a friend, I forced myself to see the problem in hopes of coaxing my heart and mind back to peace. 2008 had been over just a few days before and it was either now, never or plainly put, never live up to what it is I should be. So, instead of trees – I put a prayer in the air and waited for answers…

(to be continued)

-black girl.

1.1.09 – The Begginning of all things NEW.
January 1, 2009, 10:39 am
Filed under: Reflections of a Black Girl


Felix Ing | Slint.

So here I am, smack chillin on my January 1, 2009 and I still haven’t figured the best way to go about branding myself. My option would be to brand myself as a writer with my own name, or to transition my old company into a newer brainier one and remain the hidden force behind the machine. I should have made up my mind by now and I’m not quite sure what’s holding me back. There are pros ad cons on both ends but regardless of such, and as many biographies as I’ve written in my career, the one I cannot write is my own.

Good news is that I got my first piece of the year distributed today, just like I said I would. Despite my hacking all over the place trying to get a handle on my health I held true to my commitment and followed through. So, while my other friends where drinking in excess and indulging in belligerent fun I was at home staring at a computer screen wondering what the hell to write. To be honest with you what came out scared me. When I went back to read the article it was is if I was reading something someone else wrote. It was very intellectual, philosophical and clean. A step up from the rest so yay me! I also got my first editorial calendar from a mag today and was told to “pick what I wanted to cover” so things are well on their way to project next! Speaking of projects, I haven’t touched either of the two I’d committed to working on prior to the new year. Mainly because I haven’t gotten what I needed and without the necessities black girl cannot move.

Aside from the heavyweight decision of figuring out what’s best for my life, I have to say that my December was a wacky one but enjoyable all the same. I wish I could go count for count the great moments and experiences I had, but there were just too many laughs, memories made and seeds of friendship planted to recount. Looking back at my 2008 in review, I’m satisfied with contending that my number one lesson learned was that of living. In every sense of the word for my family, my friends and myself. I let go of a lot of things and gained so much in return. I sacrificed and gave only to see myself rewarded on many levels at the back end. 2008 is the year I think I officially I grew up while realizing I had a hell of a lot more to do. I became the woman ready to enter the next phase of her life…the fly phase that encompasses everything golden, everything special, and everything that represents me. And I have funny tickle on the back of my neck that says 2009 will be the beginning of a beautiful era where even more lifelong memories are made and people will come and go.

I’m excited about all of the new things in my life this year…the good, bad ugly, and even the royally phuked up because in all my getting, I’ll surely get understanding.

Happy New Year Everyone!

-black girl.

Pretty Girl & The Heart Living Woman.
November 21, 2008, 1:19 pm
Filed under: Reflections of a Black Girl | Tags: ,

Adriana Lopez

I’ve been spending a lot of time rearranging. My thought process, surroundings, everything. I’ve got to start doing things differently. I mean like really differently. Change up my moves, habitat, friendship circles, style, patterns and attitude, everything…just all around different .

Call it one of those moments if you will. So happened my moment kicked in, has lasted a weeklong and is for the most part still in progress. I think what jump started it all was the issue with my pops among other things. The last time we spoke really opened my eyes to what life, family, love, God and everything else are really about. What really matters in the end. Those terms are just mere packages even. Shells. What goes on the inside is up to us. Obviously the more we put into these things the greater and richer they become. Viewing my life along those terms reminded me that I have to make adjustments in order to increase the richness of my own.

I have always lived my life pretty face first, charisma second and whatever falls behind thee last. As part product of a beautiful Virgo mother, I was taught from childhood that if your looks can get you far enough, your intelligence could get you the rest of the way. A firm believer that premium appearance was half the battle in life, my mother showed me “G” style how far putting those things ahead could get you. A few beauty pageant trophies and plaques later I could see why as a little girl I found this to be true. I can also say that this theory has gotten the best and worst of me. In some cases an oxymoron even. Putting yourself out there as attractive attracts a lot of things that may not be good for you. And if you’re living with everything else but your heart, well…you’re going now where fast in a car to no where, pretty girl. That can’t be me.

So by doing things differently I mean that I need to work on enriching some areas of my life that I’ve left unattended when things got tough. For most of my life I’ve been living face forward but very rarely did I rely on my heart and love to take me through. Been there done that and didn’t like the feeling. And you can’t blame me totally for it. Look at the society we live in. Where bitch is beautiful and bad is always good. One almost has to live with a certain degree of vanity and wit just to remain emotionally in tact while surviving the game. So yea I’ve been cold as ice when I wanted to be, and a warm-hearted bunny less often as time passed on but I want to live more this way. I am a firm believer that true ladies never denounce their ‘pretty girl’, but I’m also becoming a huge fan of the woman that lives with her heart first…thus filling every empty package of her life with the things that enrich it most, never forgetting to balance.

-black girl.

Confessions of a Faithful CONTROL-Freak.
October 29, 2008, 1:12 pm
Filed under: Reflections of a Black Girl, Therapy Sessions | Tags: , , ,

A Dopludo Collective

“You’ve got a lot of triggers in your life,” my therapist says.

“So.” I shrugged my shoulders as hard as I could and tossed up my hands. “Like I can change that?”

“No you can’t, but you can change how you react.”

He’d shared with me moments earlier that he felt I had what was is commonly know as Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Blah -tell me something I don’t know to be my hero. True enough he had a point but that conversation was nearly two months ago and I’ve since learned about these so-called triggers, half of which have been removed from my life. The remaining ones? You know kids, stupid drivers, boys…shall remain and I shall deal. True enough putting a name to my workaholism made me feel a little better, but it didn’t stop me from bailing on my last appointment. Silly enough to think I would get off that easy this guy calls me at the office personally.

“Where are you today Ms. [Black Girl]?”

“Oh, I uh had…” I could have conjured up some smart-A, witty remark but let it be instead. I actually didn’t say anything after the word ‘had’. Silence flooded the receiver and then he laughed.

“I don’t believe you but that’s ok [Black Girl]. Stop avoiding me and I promise I won’t make you take pills.”

He was referring to my personal war on prescription drugs that he’d suggested for this ‘anxiety’ thing. He knew how much I was against it. Although I truly believe that some people need some sort ‘stabilizer’ for severe and crippling issues I’ve come to realize that mine aren’t that serious and if I’ve made it this far then I certainly can’t be a total train wreck. I just happen to be a bitching, success-driven perfectionist with a fear of being out of control. That’s normal right?

“Smoke your stuff then,” he said once, “and that’s the last I will say about a prescription.”

I apologized profusely and pecked away at computer keys hoping he’d get the hint. Ninja I’m workin’. He was cool with the excuses but wanted to know the real reason why I’d canceled my appointment. So I told him the truth and his response goes right back to that ‘triggers’ thing again.

Our call was all but three minutes and he did waive my no show fee. Surprisingly enough I wasn’t reprimanded like the last time when I waited for some fleeting explicative to fall from his African lips as he preached to me about needing to keep my appointments and do something for myself “for a change.” It has been nearly six months so I guess my progress has given me a free pass on missing my second to last session. After reassuring him that I wouldn’t let anything else take me away from myself he said something so profound that I immediately stopped to write it down.

“When you stop living with the illusion that you are in control of your life and everything in it, the more you’ll start living with the person that you truly are.”

As soon as we hung up I said a prayer. More like an apology to God for behaving as though I was the one in control. Granted I’m not a religious person but I am definitely a spiritual connector and I know when a moment comes to remind me that I’m stepping outside of myself. I’m not saying I walk around with my Vicki cups poking out, beating my chest on some “I got this ish shun!” foolishness or anything like that. But I do move fast though, so much that its easy to forget to stop and remember that in reality, no human being on earth can control the world but they can control their FAITH.

Definitely in need of a Love Bomb.

-black girl.

just a little ‘un’ inspired.
October 1, 2008, 12:11 pm
Filed under: Political Pleasures, Reflections of a Black Girl | Tags: , , , ,

Even Steven

Well, well, well. Things have been just a litttttle bit interesting these days and I’m not in the least bit inspired! In a somewhat comical yet wierd way, we are all being affected in one way or another by the madness going on outside of our front doors (if we have any). So… Instead of clogging up my lil spot here with snippets of how the average American citizen is caught in the midst of a war where control, mind-play, propaganda and hocus pocus wizadry are the primary weapons, I decided to chill for a sec. and spend time getting my damn inspiration back. Usually done in the midst of friends, hanging out with cute boys, watching the first season of The Wire in a weekend, you know the routine. Nevertheless welcome to the ‘un’ inspired.

Nappy Headed Satellite Mix Shows

“Don’t do it. You’re playing with fire,” I warned him.

I was waiting my turn at the pump for gas. I had a half of a tank and $20 allowance for the day. Figured I’d blow it all in paranoia of being stranded for miles because the city’s tapped dry of gasoline. I entertained my time fighting for black crack talking to J thinking this man is going to get himself mauled by any woman that that perms or straightens her hair . Of all the topics to choose from, J saw it fit to do a set on his Sirus mix show dedicated to his opposition of the processed, straightened, or otherwise altered state of the black woman’s hair. Dude what?!

“Uh. Can’t you DJ or talk about anything else? You’re going somewhere you don’t want to go brother.” My schmuck came in half giggles. I was amazed at how adamant he was about expressing his disapproval of perms and straightened hair. I really didn’t know it was such a huge deal for some men. But that’s what creative folk do. At least J’s got some freakin inspiration. “It shouldn’t even have to be like that,” he kept on hoping to justify his thought in my very own mind.

Propaganda Pimpery

It was finally my turn in line at the pump and I was stupid late for work. I’d spent the last thirty minutes wishing I hadn’t pulled up during morning rush hour. After getting off the phone with J I thought, ok, I may not be inspired but I be better let the uninspired inspire me to write something. As the saying goes, use it, abuse it, but just don’t lose it. Especially during these uninspiring times because they are going hard on jacking cats these days. And I’m not talking about the streets.

Day in and day out we’re being bombarded with the negative messages that constantly remind us of the problems and hardships that our nation is swimming in. The under toe is ridiculous and people are dying. Families are being disbanded, lives changing forever. It reminds me of little monkeys in a barrel. The little plastic ones with curved arms that come in the bright yellow barrel that opens at the middle. The monkey’s are jumbled up and shaken crazy like – then dumped out and played with like tinker toys. They’re linked to each other by their arms and legs. The goal for the player is to see how many monkeys he can keep hooked together while shaking the shyt out of them in this little barrel thing. Whomever can hook the most monkeys together wins. The players could care less about how the monkeys feel or what they say because they’re not real and just toys. Listen to the Jeezy song and pretend that he is speaking for president Bush and you’ll get my point and a laugh.

Every time I see the news, hear the radio or laugh my arse off at live coverage of OJ’s courtroom coonin’ I think, “They’re toying with us in the worst way.” We’re even now in the midst of a presidential election that gives me chills every time I think of what could and will happen after the ballots are in. This is going to get really crazy. Gunz blazing and all. So you see, who can blog about Coach’s flyest new line? Well, lol. (Just Go Here)

Nick Barjona

Close to Home

I’m a functioning member of society so being selectively disconnected from what’s going on around me isn’t an option. In a lot of cases, not a good look. My home girl is scrambling to find another job because the department she works for is being dissolved. Her own VP has recommended her across the company and still, nothing’s panning out. She’s days away from the closing of those doors and has nothing to replace her income. What happens when there’s nothing left?

I know a woman; college educated and held a position as an executive recruiter making 75k annually. The firm she worked for couldn’t bill enough and ultimately the company was no more. She had to exchange her beautiful four bedroom home and car for a studio apartment in the city, funding it with a job as a restaurant hostess and what’s left of her 401K. She’s 49 years old.

I get tons of resumes and I work nowhere near a human resources anything. Damn good resumes too, but right now, especially in the world of business, its dog eat dog and everyone’s hiring referrals or someone they personally know. Taking caring of their own and unfortunately, if you’re not in a position of power at this point you might as well chill and ride it out. Pray for the best and know you will make it.

Out of sheer desperation, my 20 year old brother and four friends he graduated from high school with joined different branches of the military as a last resort. Two of them enlisted 6 months ago and one, who is one of my brother’s best friends, just found out he’s getting shipped to Iraq. The guy says, “They told me I wouldn’t have to go but now I am on my way. I could die over there.” I wonder how his mother feels. My brother has just passed the exam and his paperwork is being prepared. He feels he has no other choice. Where in the hell is dad in all of this?

The good news is that life, in all of its un chartered territory, has a lesson or two for us all and always for our own good. We just gotta play smarter and adapt to change. Fluidity keeps you sane and I try to remind myself of this everyday when I’m banking on inspiration but the market has collapsed.

Register to vote by Friday, get your ID game straight and don’t where no Obama nuthin to the polls.
And make sure you have gas if you’re not getting a ride in Georgia. Really though.

-black girl.